I had a conversation with my Dance ministry leader, she shared with me an Awesome testimony. I would like to share with you:
10 years ago, she was ministering with a dance team that traveled different places in the state of Maryland. 10 years later, she got back connected with this dance team and there was a lady that walked up to her. The sister shared that she had been at the event that my leader ministered at and at that time was in a cult. She told her that the dance she saw her do, God used to help free her from the chains of being in that cult. To God be the glory, she is now set free and a part of the Lords' family.
I share this because, it's not us that is powerful, but it's the Lord working through us that gives us power to trample on scorpions and serpents. This testimony really built me back up because honestly lately I had been feeling kind of dry regarding my passion for dance ministry. These are the times we need to press into GOD and drawer closer to Him to see what He would have us to do.
There are no limits to what God can do through us. He has made us all uniquely and He wants to use us exactly like that: Uniquely. Not a carbon copy. Because what He has put in you, He has put there to use you mightily!!!
Let's ask God to give us our fire back and passion for Him through the dance or any worship arts gift He has given us, so that souls can be won, Hearts can be healed, those bound can be set free and so that He will get the glory!!!
God bless!