Thursday, February 9, 2012

What is your priority? A charge for us!

Praise the Lord brothers and sisters in Christ! I just have to share with you something that has been on my heart for months now; I'm sure I am not the only one! Actually I know, that I am not. No matter where I go, what teaching I hear or what conversations lead to, it's all the same conclusive question: Is my priority God's priority? (Matthew 6:33)

It's just as simple as this: Our being saved, being CHRISTians is not about us. It's not about only having "the American dream", and being happy with us and ours and watching others Spiritually dead and dying, die away without ever reaching out. God's voice is so clear with this: we must witness, we must share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The last thing that Jesus told us to do, before he left the earth is this:

"Go then and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching everything that I commanded you, and behold, I am with you all the days to the very close and consummation of the age." Matthew 28:16-20

The world is crying out, it's obvious; searching for an answer and for fulfillment. We carry that answer within us everyday, but we cannot just let it sit there. We have to share it. It is time to break the chains of fear of "offending" others or "being comfortable". It's not about being comfortable, but it's about putting the Kingdom of God first and sharing, as well as living the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

There is good news: It is not too late for us! Let us begin to seek God and seek Him with all our heart, we will surely find Him. Let us allow God to tell us what is on His heart and what His priority is in this time. I feel such a sense of urgency with this. I'm telling you, God has already placed it in us to do this! Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world. If God be for us who in this world can be against us? We must seek the Lord and Go!

Isn't He worthy to be shared, worthy of excitement? We share so many things with loved ones, co-workers, strangers, etc. about our lives. We must share the most important in our life with them too! You will be surprised of their response. A lot of people want to know (whether they know it or not)! Let's win souls for Jesus Christ now! Hallelujah!

Love you all God bless!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jaw Dropping Miracles!

God specializes in jaw dropping, head scratching, only God could have done it miracles! Yes He does. I just wanted to share that with you, encourage you as well as encourage myself today! Let us not become complacent in old ways of thinking. Let’s not look at each day as “just another day”. No, God has us here for a reason, for many people did not wake up this morning. I personally know of a young lady, 23 yrs old who did not wake up this week. We were praying for her healing and for her not to get worse. I believe God answered our prayers, but not just in the way we thought he would. I shared that to say, because you woke up this morning: know that THE Lord has something for us today.

You are not just here to waste away until your time here on earth is up. No, Almighty has a plan and a purpose for you. Do not despise small beginnings. A lot of times when circumstances seem bleak and it seems that things are dry and bare in our lives, we need to saturate our days with praise and worship to the Lord! He inhabits it. Also, I want to encourage us to seek God with all our heart and He has promised that we will find Him. Our God is not by any means ordinary and He is the same God that held back rain for 3 years, then brought rain again because of the prayers of Elijah. The same God that Hannah prayed for a son, but after she sought Him with all her heart, he gave far beyond just 1 son, but many! The same God that allowed David to be so Victorious in every battle, not because he was perfect, but because David always inquired of the Lord. Yes, this is the same God that we serve!

So, do not be weary in your well doing. Now is a time to rejoice in the Lord! Expect Him to answer both small and big prayers. He wants to do miracles in our lives so that others can and will be drawn to us and we will draw them to King Jesus!

Let’s expect Jaw Dropping Miracles this year, right now!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rejoice! because of this......

Luke 10: 17-20

The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!” And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

Sometimes, we rejoice over the wrong things :-). Hear me out. This familiar text sticks out like a sore thumb to me. Can you imagine, going out in the fields to different towns; healing the sick and laying hands on strangers full time throughout the day and the Lord doing great signs and wonders through you? Well, He certainly desires to do the same today and I know the times that the Lord has used me in great ways, I got excited! This I believe is normal, we can easily get excited about being used by God, I mean He's AMAZING! But this jumped out to me today because despite of all the miraculous and great and mighty things that were happening through Jesus' disciples, He told them to rejoice that their name is written in the Lambs book of Life!

Hallelujah! Sometimes, we can get caught up in the "works" and forget to ALWAYS rejoice in the one who enables us to do the work! I mean, doesn't this excite you?! I mean picture it today us talking to Jesus: "Lord, Hallelujah little Johnny was healed instantly and we just prayed for him this morning." "Jesus"!!!, "Teresa gave her life to you after hearing the sermon preached on Sunday". "Lord, that mans foot was instantly restored right before our eyes as we worshiped you". Jesus replies, " That's great my son, my daughter, but even the more Rejoice that your name is written in Heaven".

Although the gifts of the Spirit are powerful and God gives gifts to whom He desires, but even more than this; we can always Rejoice in Him.

So, I encourage you my brother and sister in all things; REJOICE!