Monday, July 18, 2011

It starts in the heart!

Okay, so I know this is a praise and worship blog, but I have to be obedient to what the Lord has been placing on my heart. Praise and Worship is SO much more than an act, God desires us to live it! That's right, to live praise and worship. Hallelujah!

One of the ways we live it is to offer ourselves fully to Him. Romans 12:1 tells us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices Holy and acceptable unto Him for this is our spiritual act of worship! One of the ways that we offer our bodies unto Him is through purity before and after marriage. This goes for both guys and gals!

We see the work of the enemy daily. We know that he comes to kill steal and destroy! He wants to steal God's beautiful purpose for sex: for a husband and wife in marriage to enjoy the pleasure, joy and beauty of sex. But the enemy has perverted it, misconstrued it's original purpose and try to make it seem like something that is not as intimate as it is!

Oooohhh, but how my heart is filled with so much joy because nobody or nothing is greater than our God! He's raising up a remnant of men and women who will continue to stand for righteousness even though it is no longer the norm! HALLELUJAH! I believe that as we pray, teach and live our lives as a living sacrifice unto God; we will marriages restored, sexually active teens making a commitment to God of sexual purity and even the pornography and evil in the media and music loose it's power over our children, men and women!

We can no longer be passive, although it's comfortable but it's time for our children to be filled with the spirit of the true and living God. They need examples of men and women, who did things God's way and reaped the promises and rewards! Because you know, there are blessings to obedience. It starts in the heart! God's promises are true you know! He has blessed me to first hand see the RESULTS of many couples/marriages who did things God's way on their way to marriage and God rewarded them exceedingly and abundantly! I believe that He will do the same for you and me if we believe. He is not respecter of persons!

I love to see our children and youth praising and worshiping the Lord, but as we teach them to outwardly worship Him, we must teach them the importance of purity as well and how to trust God with their lives; in every area of their lives!

Let me share with you some precious promises God's word gives us for sexual holiness:

~ God promises that sexual holiness leads to abiding joy! Proverbs 5:18 "Rejoice in the wife of your youth". God's joy is not the same as pleasure. Pleasure flees pain, while joy transcends pain.

~ God promises that sexual holiness leads to genuine satisfaction touching all levels of sexual union. Proverbs 5:19 "Husbands who guard sexual purity in marriage will be satisfied. David testifies to this in Psalm 103:5

~ God promises that sexual Holiness is honorable. (1 Thess 4:4, Hebrews 13:4, 1 Corinthians 6:20).

~ God promises that sexual holiness leads to pure allure. It creates power to attract a marriage partner worth having! Song of Solomon 4:9, 4:12.

God bless you praisers and worshippers!!!

*** Coming soon for the Worship S.A.T. series:

~Prophetic Song and Dance! (August)
~Sexual Purity: Couples Edition
~ The Ephod-Hearing God's voice!
~Praise and Worship Dance for men!
~ And more!!

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