Monday, December 19, 2011

Single Season- All the Glory Belongs to God!

Matthew 5:13-16 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. "

This is the 3rd installment of the Single Season blog. I felt compelled to complete it before the end of the year. This scripture says it all. You may wonder, what does this have to do with the single season? A LOT!

Sometimes our desire to be married can become an idol if we are not careful and in our single season, we are so worried about when or if we will ever get married, that we don't maximize all that God has for us in this season. One of my biggest breakthroughs this year is reaching contentment. Of course the desire is still there and I actually look forward to being married, but it's no longer on the forefront of my mind. I now realize that I must give my all in EVERY season!

The reason for this scripture in this post is that it is a reminder to us that God has an assignment for us right now. He loves us SO much! Could you imagine our Father, trying to get our attention and show us all these wonderful things that he desires to do in and through our lives and here we are staring at one situation we want to change and missing out on all the other great things he has given us now!

We are the light of the world and the salt of the earth, people need what you have! There are souls to be saved, sicknesses to be healed, children to be raised, families to be set free, books to be written, businesses to be started, we could go on and on.

People are indeed watching us and not everybody is going to step up in a church to get saved. We are the church and God has called us to let our light shine in dark places! He called us out of darkness and into His wonderful light, so that others could receive that light too!

Brothers and sisters, I am here to tell you:


Be encouraged and know that Almighty has not forgotten you. He promises when we Seek first His Kingdom and Righteousness that All these things shall be added unto us. He promises no good thing will he withhold from those whose walk is uprightly, He promises that you will not suffer shame, nor will you be humiliated! I am praying for you dear heart and I love you, but Jesus loves you SO much more!

God bless and Happy New Year!

(If you did not read the other posts on single season click here: Part 1 and Part 2 )

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Worship the King!

Close your eyes, listen to this and Worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Enough said!

Friday, November 4, 2011

I love Jesus!

Yup! That’s right, I am in love with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! I just wanted to share that today, because when you love someone you can’t keep it to yourself. I knew since the beginning of the year that God wants His children to return to Him, our first love. He is love, if it were not for Him, how would we love others? We couldn't’t and we would’t. Anyway, our time is precious. And it is so precious to spend time with Jesus, that time is precious to Him when we set aside time just to Worship Him without begging or asking for this that and the third. You think about it when your in love, you want to be with that person all the time and tell them how you feel right? So why would we not do that with the Lord?

I am not trying to demise a love relationship between husband and wife, mother or father and child. I look forward to experiencing and giving that love too! There is nothing like the Love of Jesus. I am spending an evening with the lover of my soul! Sometimes you gotta cancel your plans or reschedule them, just to be with HIM! I encourage you to do so, you will not regret your time spent with HIM. I LOVE HIM! I LOVE YOU LORD!!!!!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

An Invitation from HIM!

One of my YouTube videos I made in the very beginning of this year stated that I wanted to know more about Worship and what it really means. Worship is something we talk about often. especially in the Christian community. I'm learning that Worship is SO much more than singing, dancing, coming to church once a week, singing 2 fast songs, 1 medium pace song, and then a slow song. Don't get me wrong. These are certainly expressions of worship! However, we can't put the Lord in some box or our own plans for worship and then expect Him to follow. He invites us into Worship! He leads it and if I can be honest it has not always been easy for me to trust Holy Spirit to lead! I thank God for growth though! But I want to fully surrender and trust His leadership.

Last night, well this morning rather at 4:45 am I woke up. I heard Him clearly say: "You can get up and Worship me". Ohhhh my goodness, I SO would love to tell you that I jumped out of my warm bed this fall morning, but I did not! I have to admit, I now regret it. No extra hour of sleep can even compare to the rewards of sacrificing sleep to Worship Him. What I'm most disappointed about is because HE invited ME to Worship this time. There have been times, that I set my alarm clock to get up early or have scheduled times to spend in praise and worship and He certainly honors that and I have been blessed. BUT it is different when He invites you versus when you expected it!

It makes me wonder, what did He have to say, what would have happened if I had only got out of my bed! I don't take this for granted and have already prayed "Lord please give me strength when you call me early in the morning or late in the night, to GET UP". When He invites us, OH there is something He has to say! ***sigh*** I have learned from this morning and look forward to telling you God willing when He does it again.

When is the last time He called you and invited you into Worship? Did you respond?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

There is more

I woke up this morning with one thought on my mind: Something is missing. And when something is missing, this means there is more! I’m in such a unique season, it’s like I don’t know what is next. Every day is a day of faith. Have you ever tried to do things that worked before to resolve something, but when you did it again it did not work? Like doing old things and ways in a new season. It won’t work. This makes me think of the new/old wine skins scripture that Jesus talked about. (Mark 2:18-22).

I really believe that our deepest longings can only be filled by God. We were created to be in His presence from the beginning of time and even though sin had separated us from that, the desire is still there. Intense desire. There so many other things I could say it is that would fulfill this longing: The new job I have been looking and believing God for, the blessed husband and family of my own that I deeply desire that God has promised, ministry affecting millions of lives, family members and friends getting saved, etc. etc. I look forward to these prayers and desires becoming realized in my life any moment now and I know they will bring joy to my life for sure, but even then, there is more. I can’t expect these people that I love and positions to be my all, that’s like putting them in the place of god!

Someone that I really look up to and who is a mentor to me (even though I have never formally met her) is Joann Rosario. On her twitter page one day recently she put “Nothing compares to the real presence of our living God.” Lately singing has not done it, dancing has not done it, screaming to the top of my lungs have not done it, crying has not done it. Although these outward expressions are certainly responses to His presence, there comes a time where there is more required. We can’t “think” our way into God’s presence, lol. That may sound funny but sometimes I try to conger up what I’m gonna do and He is like “No daughter, it’s not by might or by power, but by my spirit. I know that I am experiencing this because He requires more in this season and I look forward to the breakthrough in His presence. I believe that I will never be the same again, EVER, but there is a cost to really remaining in His presence and being used to usher in His presence.

Sometimes, like now as I’m typing this I feel like “Lord, I’m tired, what do I need to do” and I hear Him saying so clearly, “How much do you want it, how intense is your desire”? Think about it, when we really want something we go after that thing. Why would we not do the very same if not more to get to God. His arms are wide open! I just keep seeing this picture in my head of me running to Jesus with all my heart and might, but yet in this picture he’s right there with me.

Monday, September 26, 2011

His Beauty is Amazing

Beautiful, Handsome, Pretty, Fine, Dime, Gorgeous and so on………
These are just a few words that are used to describe someone that is attractive. Have you ever thought about or seen the Beauty of God before? I did, last night. Remember, when Moses was in the presence of God and although He could not see His face, just being in His presence made Moses have a Radiant face. So much that He had to wear a veil as he went back down to share with the children of Israel, what the Lord revealed to Him.

Last night I saw a piece of a picture of God’s beauty, it’s hard to explain in words. Hollywood, the media and music and even ourselves, we have commercialized beauty. We know what natural beauty is (in the natural) and God does manifest His beauty here on earth, but God’s beauty is FAR beyond the here and now that we see. It’s like I could feel it and see it at the same time. I’m convinced that God is a master artist. He has made everything beautiful in it’s time. A perfect picture painted on His canvas.

What the world may see as messy or not perfect, is God’s perfect masterpiece.
Jesus is the greatest example of this. His ministry was not what the “world” would see as glamorous. Many where plotting to kill Him from the time He started His ministry, He had no home to lay His head, and calvary He was beaten, stripped, spat on, and I could go on. But this was God’s masterpiece.

There is a song that Kim Walker and Jesus Culture sings called “He loves us”. To some, the lyrics may seem really strong, but to me it shows the beauty of God’s love and how even when things in our lives seem messy and unpretty, when we remain in Him, He is creating a beautiful masterpiece:

He is jealous for me
Love's like a hurricane,
I am a tree
Bending beneath the weight of
His wind and mercy
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
and I realize just how beautiful You are and how great your affections are for me.

Oh, how He loves us so
Oh, how He loves us
How He loves us so.

Yeah, He loves us
Oh, how He loves us
Oh, how He loves us
Oh, how He loves.

We are His portion and
He is our prize,
Drawn to redemption
by the grace in His eyes
If grace is an ocean, we're all sinking
So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss and my heart turns
violently inside of my chest
I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way

He loves us,
Oh, how He loves us
Oh, how He loves us
OH, how He loves

Yeah, He loves us
Oh, how He loves us
Whoa, how He loves us
Whoa, how He loves.

Yeah, He loves us
He loves us
He loves us
He loves.

Yeah, He loves us
Whoa, how He loves us
Whoa, how He loves us
Whoa, how He loves

He loves us,
Whoa, how He loves us
Whoa, how He loves us
Whoa, how He loves

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Power of GOD in the Dance!

I had a conversation with my Dance ministry leader, she shared with me an Awesome testimony. I would like to share with you:

10 years ago, she was ministering with a dance team that traveled different places in the state of Maryland. 10 years later, she got back connected with this dance team and there was a lady that walked up to her. The sister shared that she had been at the event that my leader ministered at and at that time was in a cult. She told her that the dance she saw her do, God used to help free her from the chains of being in that cult. To God be the glory, she is now set free and a part of the Lords' family.

I share this because, it's not us that is powerful, but it's the Lord working through us that gives us power to trample on scorpions and serpents. This testimony really built me back up because honestly lately I had been feeling kind of dry regarding my passion for dance ministry. These are the times we need to press into GOD and drawer closer to Him to see what He would have us to do.

There are no limits to what God can do through us. He has made us all uniquely and He wants to use us exactly like that: Uniquely. Not a carbon copy. Because what He has put in you, He has put there to use you mightily!!!

Let's ask God to give us our fire back and passion for Him through the dance or any worship arts gift He has given us, so that souls can be won, Hearts can be healed, those bound can be set free and so that He will get the glory!!!

God bless!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You have come to royal position, for such a time as this!

Esther 4:14 "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

16b "I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish".

Most of us have heard of the story of Queen Esther and maybe even seen the movie. If not, I truly encourage you both men and women, boys and girls to read it. It's a story of obedience, boldness and royalty!

It's like almost every girls dream: Esther went from being an orphan girl to the chosen Queen of the King of Persia. Even every man's dream to find that beautiful Queen to share your life with she is the most beautiful woman to you!

What's so amazing is that it all happened so suddenly. Esther a Jewish girl, probably had planned to live a simple life: serving God and being faithful to her elders/mentors, marry a Jewish man and raise her children up to be faithful to God as well. Not that this would not have been honorable, but God had other plans. Isn't that just like Him, to switch things up on us! He's so marvelous!

Well, as the story builds up before Esther (Hadassah) had to go through (10) months of beauty treatments, along with all the other beautiful virgins to prepare to meet the King and hopefully be the one chosen by Him! After seeing her the King was most attracted to her and she won favor with Him right away and the Royal crown was placed on her head! Her King threw a banquet for her and celebrated her throughout the land (he was excited about his woman)!

Queen Esther finds out through her cousin Mordecai that there was a wicked plot to destroy the Jews by one of the Kings' nobles. Her people needed her help, even though it could very well cost her life. She at first was hesitant, knowing the "protocol" and "traditions" of the royal palace/throne. I'm sure she was just fine being beautiful, the queen and having her maidens with her.

Here is where our scripture picks up and something very important both you and I can learn: What places does God have us right now, what relationships has He blessed us with, what job/assignment has He given us. He has prepared us and shaped us for exactly where we are right now. But it is really not about have the position, the title, the prestige; He has something for us to do and it will require faith and boldness to do us. He is requiring us to speak up, to go forth and maximize the area of influence He has us in right now. Not to sit around and be comfortable with where we are, going with the flow when it's clearly not what God wants or allowing things to continue, when we know the Lord wants to intervene through us.

Notice what Mordecai told Esther in verse 14. Deliverance would still come for the Jews even if she did not carry through with this assignment. God would have raised somebody else up. He did not need Esther to do the assignment but He chose her to do it because He wanted to. There is a difference. Thank God she yielded and went forth in boldness, trusting God all the way not knowing exactly what the end result would be. He wants the same willingness for us, to trust Him that He goes before us in any assignment we have been chosen to do and it will not always be easy! BUT GOD. When we obey and do the difficult things that nobody else wants to do, that He has called us to do; this is when we see His power, provision and miracles and a whole race, generation, denomination, etc. Can be saved!

Just like Queen Esther, she was placed in this royal position to complete this assignment. This is why the Lord has placed you where you are, for such a time as this, no coincidence.

My brother and sister God wants to use you, that's right you! For mighty works, don't look down on assignments He gives you no matter if they seem small or big; Jesus wants to save someone through you. It could be one child or an entire nation. You may be a coach for little league or a president of a fortune 500 company. You could be caring for your elderly parents or the President of the United States! You could be a high school/college/middle school student. Whatever it is, will you go? Will you do what HE has called you to do? And not be pressured by what's popular to conform to the world, but stand for righteousness and holiness?

I'm faced with the same question today, to do something that is not ordinary and not very popular. But I must do it. I must go, in Jesus name! Let's go!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

What God desires from His children

The love of God is so beautiful and it's real. He loves us SO! It's because of HIM that we can even love others! Tonight, I had the assignment to lead the weekly prayer call we have for the intercessory prayer ministry from my church. I had my nice little agenda for the night planned out and everything. As we began to praise and worship the Lord, I felt that He wanted us to continue. 30 minutes past by, 45, then an hour. I then heard Him say: " You are in my presence, I love my children to tell me how they feel about me". I shared this with everyone on the call and we began to just confess who He is to us and how grateful we are for Him in and through our lives. I mean, where would we be without Him??!

We were so blessed by what GOD did tonight, I had to throw my little pre-planned agenda to the side and let Holy Spirit have His way! God's plans are far greater than any plan we could think up ourselves. He's an exceeding and abundant God! Then He began to just bless us with words of affirmation, promise and His power! It was Awesome!

Even after I got off the call, I kept thinking about what He shared with me about being in His presence. Then I had a quick vision of God inviting us into this beautiful house; His house. He was smiling so big when He opened the door! He welcomed us into this beautiful home. On the inside of His house there were so many beautifully wrapped gifts in there. We were overwhelmed once we got in there. His hand was out the whole time. There was one person that entered into the house and they went straight for the gifts, after the initial greeting with God, she went to the gifts and beginning grabbing as many as she could! She did not even look at God, then she began shoving them in her car until her car was overflowing. After this she backed out of the driveway and zoomed off with all these beautiful gifts!

There was another person who walked into God's house and she initially seemed to look at the gifts then quickly remembered whose house she was in. She then went back, took God's hand smiled with Him, then sat down and talked with Him and the gifts were laying all around them; but she focused on Him!

I wonder how many times, we have entered into the presence of the Lord, just to ask all of our requests and receive, receive, receive. Of course God will bless us, He has many gifts for us on earth and in heaven. But more than anything, once in His presence He desires intimacy and fellowship with Him. In that vision, those gifts did not go anywhere when she was spending time with the Lord, they were right there laying around waiting to be opened. But her priority was to spend time with Him and put Him first above all other things.

Let's make it a point to seek His face, before we seek His hand!

***Remember more Worship S.A.T. videos are coming up. I'm so excited! Here are some of our upcoming topics:

~Prophetic Song and Dance (August)
~Sexual Purity: Couples Edition
~Praise and Worship Dance for men
~The Ephod: Hearing God's Voice

Monday, July 18, 2011

It starts in the heart!

Okay, so I know this is a praise and worship blog, but I have to be obedient to what the Lord has been placing on my heart. Praise and Worship is SO much more than an act, God desires us to live it! That's right, to live praise and worship. Hallelujah!

One of the ways we live it is to offer ourselves fully to Him. Romans 12:1 tells us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices Holy and acceptable unto Him for this is our spiritual act of worship! One of the ways that we offer our bodies unto Him is through purity before and after marriage. This goes for both guys and gals!

We see the work of the enemy daily. We know that he comes to kill steal and destroy! He wants to steal God's beautiful purpose for sex: for a husband and wife in marriage to enjoy the pleasure, joy and beauty of sex. But the enemy has perverted it, misconstrued it's original purpose and try to make it seem like something that is not as intimate as it is!

Oooohhh, but how my heart is filled with so much joy because nobody or nothing is greater than our God! He's raising up a remnant of men and women who will continue to stand for righteousness even though it is no longer the norm! HALLELUJAH! I believe that as we pray, teach and live our lives as a living sacrifice unto God; we will marriages restored, sexually active teens making a commitment to God of sexual purity and even the pornography and evil in the media and music loose it's power over our children, men and women!

We can no longer be passive, although it's comfortable but it's time for our children to be filled with the spirit of the true and living God. They need examples of men and women, who did things God's way and reaped the promises and rewards! Because you know, there are blessings to obedience. It starts in the heart! God's promises are true you know! He has blessed me to first hand see the RESULTS of many couples/marriages who did things God's way on their way to marriage and God rewarded them exceedingly and abundantly! I believe that He will do the same for you and me if we believe. He is not respecter of persons!

I love to see our children and youth praising and worshiping the Lord, but as we teach them to outwardly worship Him, we must teach them the importance of purity as well and how to trust God with their lives; in every area of their lives!

Let me share with you some precious promises God's word gives us for sexual holiness:

~ God promises that sexual holiness leads to abiding joy! Proverbs 5:18 "Rejoice in the wife of your youth". God's joy is not the same as pleasure. Pleasure flees pain, while joy transcends pain.

~ God promises that sexual holiness leads to genuine satisfaction touching all levels of sexual union. Proverbs 5:19 "Husbands who guard sexual purity in marriage will be satisfied. David testifies to this in Psalm 103:5

~ God promises that sexual Holiness is honorable. (1 Thess 4:4, Hebrews 13:4, 1 Corinthians 6:20).

~ God promises that sexual holiness leads to pure allure. It creates power to attract a marriage partner worth having! Song of Solomon 4:9, 4:12.

God bless you praisers and worshippers!!!

*** Coming soon for the Worship S.A.T. series:

~Prophetic Song and Dance! (August)
~Sexual Purity: Couples Edition
~ The Ephod-Hearing God's voice!
~Praise and Worship Dance for men!
~ And more!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Stop and smell the Roses He give you!!!

There is a shirt that I had at one time, that I used to wear to lounge around in. It said: "Stop and smell the roses he gives you". I never thought much of it until I was out at lunch with a friend and she shared with me, what it meant to her when she saw it. She said, "Everyday God gives us beautiful roses, He loves us so much and does beautiful things for us daily because we are His children! The bible says He rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17) ! WOW, What a love!

I wonder how many times we took for granted those beautiful roses He gives us daily by just passing by them and not acknowledging them or thinking that we wanted a different type of rose from what He has given us or comparing our bouquet to others. I know were times that I didn't show how thankful I was for the beautiful roses He's given me DAILY. 1 Thessalonians tells us to give thanks in all things, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus!

A rose could be anything that friend that's always there or that spouse who is faithful yet we don't appreciate them like we used to. A rose an annoying child that always wants our attention, a job that we are tired of being at. A rose can be anything!!!

Just because the rose or flowers He gives us may not look exactly like what we THOUGHT it would or should, He knows what we need, when we need it and why we need it. Let's make it a point to smell the beautiful roses in our lives that He gives us!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Single Season- There's a purpose in it! (P2)

Okay, so yesterday I shared some of my testimony and what I have learned through the years as being a single young woman. So, God has placed mentors and pastors, parents and friends that have been SUCH a blessing to me on the way and throughout this season. One thing is that this is not a death sentence or God is not trying to make us have a miserable life! No, no, no. He has a purpose in everything and He has a marvelous plan. This is just a chapter in the book. So let’s get into scripture right away!

Let’s start with the first marriage in the bible: Adam and Eve (1 man, 1 woman this is God’s design for marriage, no exceptions). When Almighty God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it, He spoke the world into existence and said it was “good”, until…..

Genesis 2:7 “the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being”.

So this clearly tells us that when God formed the man, he breathed HIS breath into the man which gave him life and the man became a living being. My brothers and sisters, this means we are LIVING in this season. We are not dead or in a dark box until marriage, but we are living because we have the breath of life in us that God himself has breathed!

Genesis 2:18 “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him”.

Okay, so this is another scripture that has so many interpretations. God’s word does not have to be difficult. And this is not to say that if you are single that “you aren’t good” or anything like that. God formed us and knew everything about us, we were created to desire companionship and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that period!

Genesis 2:19-20 “Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.”

Okay, all of this happened BEFORE God put Adam into a deep sleep and made Eve from His rib. But it is after God says that it is not good for the man to be alone. God decided to make a helper suitable for Adam, because He did not want his child, His creation made in His image to be alone.
However, we notice that BEFORE God brought Adam and Eve together, He had some work for good ole Adam to do first! Adam had the assignment of naming all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. Now, ya’ll, I doubt very seriously this only took a day. Do you know how many animals of the field they are or birds of the air!!! Thousands, if not millions. I don’t know how many other than a lot! There was something God had for Adam to do before he became one with Eve.

So you know that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. And you know that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts and as high as the heavens are so are His ways above our ways. And you also know that there is a SEASON for every for everything right. And you know that God really does make everything beautiful in His time! Could it possibly be, that the Lord has a purpose in your single season? Could it be that, in this season He has an assignment, a work for us today BEFORE we get married and become one with our mate? YES!

Romans 8: 28-30 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the first born among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

God has allowed me to cross so many paths with brothers and sisters who God has blessed exceedingly and abundantly and has fulfilled His faithful promise of a mate to them, what have they said they were doing when they met them? ..............Serving :-)

God has a plan and a purpose and an assignment for us now! And it’s not for us to sit around and wait for certain events in our lives to happen before we serve Him and work for Him! My brothers and my sisters, God has a marvelous plan for your life and He predestined you to do it! A specific task and as you seek Him, He will show you. His hand is already on your life. Don’t wait to walk in your purpose, serve God now. Ask Him for strength and joy and He will give it to you!!! He knows that everyday won’t be easy, just call out to Him, He will answer!

I know it's hard, I know that sometimes it appears to be to much for you and sometmes it seems unfair. But, God cares about you SO much. So much that He would allow us to experience tests that hurt sometimes, so that we can be shaped and molded into who we need to be to be used by Him. This way, when He fulfills His gracious promise to us we will be in position to receive. I believe it!

Part 3 is coming up!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Single Season- "Lord this aint easy!"

*** Disclaimer: when I googled images for waiting I found this pic. I thought it was SO funny becauses sometimes this is how it feels, but if you ask me this is a picture of how NOT to wait! Lol.

I have to admit. One of the hardest, if not the hardest

things for me in my 20s has been my single season. I used to not even talk about it, because of the way it made me feel. As a woman (or man) that desires to be married and is of marrying age, it’s easy to feel burdened and pressured by what others say or what the norm is around you. Most, if not everyone desires companionship and it’s a good desire (just ask God He says so)! With ups and downs and even disappointments in relationships that we thought would lead into marriage and when you see others around you receive the very blessing or answered prayer, you have been praying for; it’s really a test of Faith.

God has laid on my heart to write a few blogs about this, as I know I am not alone in this. There is nothing new under the sun and God allows us to experience everything we do for and with a purpose.

I truly believe that if you have the desire to be married, that God will grant you that desire in HIS time. Some may disagree, but I can only share what the Lord has shared with me and that is if you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart (for this is His word)!

Let me share some of my testimony with you: Recently within the past 6 or 7 months, I realized I was previously living my life basically waiting to get married. For example, I would say things like “I’ll do this when I get married, I’ll wait to start that when I get married, I’ll only feel comfortable doing certain things in ministry until I get married”. Now hear my heart, I truly believe and honor the way that the Lord has set order in marriage, with God first, the man being the head of the house and the woman being the help meet. I think it’s beautiful. However, waiting on God does not mean sitting around in my bedroom, with the lights turned off in sackcloth and ashes waiting for my king to arrive! (Or like the women in the picture on this post) LOL. I laugh now, but this really is how I used to think: “If I’m not in a relationship something must be wrong with me and I need to find someone to get in one with quick, so that others will see that I’m wanted”. Or the famous one that the devil has tried to throw my way several times: “Lynnea, something must be wrong with you, that’s why you are not married yet”. Or “Your doomed now, your 28 and you’re not married, you mine as well throw in the towel”, The devil is a liar and there is no truth in him! He will have you so focused on your situation and not on God that it consumes you and you can’t even focus on doing what the Lord has called you to do in this season! Besides, God sent His only son Jesus Christ thousands of years so that I (and you too) could be redeemed and set free and HE IS THE King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Hallelujah!

Actually, if we seek God during this season and ask Holy Spirit to reveal things to us about ourselves that need change He will. God has shown me things that had to be dealt with that would had been a problem in a marriage relationship. Just like the children of Israel, God does not want us getting to our promise with a slave mentality!!! Then we would just mess that thing up, no thanks I plan on being a helpmeet, not a hurtme wife!

I just want you to know, if you are out there brother or sister and you are discouraged about relationships and wanting to be married or being single in this season, take heart God knows and He cares about you SO much. He wants to bless you, but He wants YOU first. He wants to be your first love! Click here for part 2.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Worship Warfare!

It is time! It is time to Worship, it is time to take our Worship to another level!!! Did you know that Worshiping the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords is a weapon of warfare? Oh yes it is!!!

It’s easy to go through everything else before we finally decide to put our concerns and worries and questions to the side and just worship the Lord. Praise and worship is so much more than singing a fast or a slow song. I admire David so much because he is known to be a worshipper, but what is he known as in the bible even more: a man after God’s own HEART! You wanna send the devil fleeing? Resist him by praising and worship the Lord! To worship God we have to have His heart, to have His heart we have to know Him.

Sing, Dance, cry out, shout praises, tell God who He is to you, speak His word back to Him, use that sword and activate the FULL ARMOR (Ephesians 6:10-18), give Him thanksgiving and praise, rejoice in Him, intercede for others, lift up your head oh ye gates!

I don’t know who said that the devil is dumb or stupid, but it’s simply not true. I’ll tell you what he is, he’s sneaky, he’s evil and is seeking to see whom he may devour:

1 Peter 5:8 “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”

Notice Peter tells us to be self-controlled and alert first, so this means we have to be proactive. We have to go and be on watch for our families, communities and nation. That’s really why we have to make it a point to spend time in praise and worship unto the Father, so that we will know what to pray for, where His heart is and how to intercede for others. That's why David won so many battles, He was a man after God's own HEART.

When we worship the Lord it is SO POWERFUL! Shackles fall off, curses are broken, healing and deliverance take place. Worshipping God is so powerful I believe it will restore our children's’ innocence, mend broken marriages, allow the lonely to receive love and give love, end sexual immorality and restore purity in our nations, end the laws from being passed in New York, California, D.C. and wherever else and restore GOD’S institution of marriage, bring men and women out of the crack house, children will leave gangs and walk into the arms of Jesus, leaders and pastors will return to holiness and have a heart for the things of God. Hallelujah! I believe it!

My brothers and sisters now is the time!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Shofar- What is this annointed instrument of Praise and Worship?

Worship (S.A.T.) Spirit and in Truth!!! - The Shofar

John 4:23-24
23 “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. 24 “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

Friday, June 17, 2011

God can solve the Identity Crisis

Naturally, a child wants to know where they came from and who they are. For Example, if a child is adopted or raised by family members other than their birth parents, there is just something in them to want to know the "unknown" about themselves.

It can be the same way when we accept the Lord Jesus as our Savior and as we become to know Him, there is this strong desire we have inside of us to know what our purpose is on this Earth and to fulfill it. I think it is beautiful how God has created us: He formed us when we where in our mothers' womb. Isnt that amazing? To know that God literally crafted us and designed us; everything about us in our mothers' womb! Now that's an amazing GOD!

The thing is, sometimes we become frustrated with the process of seeing our dreams realized and walking in the purpose that God has for us. Even if we have identified what our passions and gifts are; if we feel we are not able to use those gifts or passions as much as we would like, it can be discouraging. Then the devil tempts us to compare ourselves to others and even sometimes try to be like someone else. This is not God.

God's plan for our lives far exceeds what anyone else's plan for us (including ourselves) may be. He's not copy cat, only original and He wants the same for us! He has the blueprint for our lives and He knows how to go about the process of seeing it completed and fulfilled.

Nevertheless, Our identity is not in what we do, but we can only be completely fulfilled once we find our identity in Him. He's the one that created us! He is the one who makes us whole. Thank you Jesus!

So, let's make knowing Him our priority and trusting His leading and direction for us. And if you get discouraged, just know that He loves you SO much and His thoughts towards you are many! His love has made us whole!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

David inquired of the Lord…….

1 Samuel 30:8a “and David inquired of the Lord”.

Definition of inquire: to seek to learn by asking: to inquire a person's name. to seek information by questioning; ask.

So, we may know a few things about King David: He went from being a Sheppard boy to a King, defeated that ole Philistine Goliath, committed adultery with Bathsheba, danced before the Lord with all his might, and was a man after God’s own heart! He was an extravagant worshipper!
David had many victories, there is something else that David faithfully did that had to be one of the main reasons for His success; David inquired of the Lord! Whether he was about to go into Battle, someone was plotting to kill him, or needed direction on where to go, instead of taking matters into his own hands, David inquired of the Lord.

One thing that really encourages me about David, although he made mistakes and there were many tests that he had to go through in life, he was so successful at what he did. This encourages me because we don’t have to believe the lies of that sneaky devil when he tries to put condemnation on us because of our past mistakes or his lies that God has left us or is mad at us and we just have to ‘find our own way out”. Not so, David cried out to God and sought Him before He made any major decisions, God gave him direction and He obeyed. He trusted God.
I believe this is the same relationship the Lord wants with us, before we pick up the phone to call mama and them or go over to brotha’s house to see what we should do. We can inquire of the Lord when it’s just Him and us. This is not to say that we shouldn't seek godly counsel, the word makes it clear that it’s okay to do that. However, I know from my own experience sometimes we go to seek what others think we should do, before we even go to our God and that’s if we even seek Him about our situation.

Let's challenge ourselves and learn from David to inquire of the Lord, expect His direction, trust Him and obey. It may not always be easy to truly trust Him. However, He really does know far better than we do, what is best for us and the more we do it, the easier it will be to trust Him. Just like He did with David, He will never fail us. Thank you Jesus!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

God has a plan!

I don't believe in coincidences anymore. I truly believe that everywhere we go, the people we meet, the things we witness are all a part of God's plan for our lives. Even when we were doing things that we were not supposed to do, He knew that we would do it before we even did it.

Something I LOVE to do is dance for Jesus! I feel that I could do it all day and night, it's such a blessing that GOD has given us the dance as one way to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth! However, there is a great lesson the Lord has taught me about gifts that He has given us and ministry that He has called us to: we cannot be complacent or get comfortable!

I'll use myself as an example, I remember when God had made it clear to me that I was called to the dance ministry and this is what He wanted me to do. Well, I went full force with studying about it, doing it, learning and sharing with others on it! The I heard that still small voice say, "I want you to sing for me"! I thought, "sing, but I thought you wanted me to dance". He said, "yes, but I want you to sing as well".

One thing about GOD is that when He speaks, if we don't act right away it does not go away! He will send others confirming what He has told us! He did just that for me.

At first I was like, "what in the world! Sing, I only have a choir voice!" Then I had to kindly be reminded that it is not about me, and I just needed to get over myself. It's not about performing, getting hand claps and accolades (this is not to say it's bad to be recognized or honored), but we can't let this be our motive. And I thought since worshipping the Lord through song was something I did not do as well compared to others, that He would never ask me to do it in front of others. Boy was I wrong!

Don't allow yourself to get "stuck" or "limited" by what you do now by putting yourself in a special box. "I'm a preacher, I'm a prophet, I'm a dancer, I'm a Worship leader, etc.". I believe the Lord wants us to say, "Lord, I will be whoever you want me to be, whenever you want me to be". God maybe requiring more in your life. If He is, trust Him. He is the one that wrote out His plan for your life before you were even born and has given you grace to complete that purpose!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

In the waiting room (P1)

Have you ever been at the doctor’s office or in a line for something or basically made an appointment and you had to sign in at the waiting room then sit down and wait for your name to be called? This is something I have experienced many times! Sometimes I get seen right away, sometimes I have to wait a little while then I get called, then there are other times where it seems to me like it’s taking far too long. In these moments, I normally start questioning if I maybe missed my name being called or if they forgot about me or I even go up to the front desk letting them know “I’m still here……waiting”! Don’t even get me started about when we start seeing other people get their names called and you think to yourself, “Now, I know I was here before they were”!!! Lol, it’s kinda funny how we can behave while waiting, but it is not easy or desired most of the time. However, the bible gives us some instruction on waiting and does not really make it seem like a bad thing to do. I mean, truth be told we all are waiting for something even if it’s for tomorrow to come.

Habakkuk 2:3 For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Lamentations 3:25 The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.

Psalm 52:9 I will thank you forever, because you have done it. I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly.

Now, these scriptures have some precious promises from our Lord! However, what’s really most important is WHAT we are waiting on or WHO we are waiting for. When we wait on people or even things to happen we will become frustrated often. But when we wait in the Lord who is our peace, our joy, our provider, our King that’s when we are able to rest in waiting for Him.

Who knows anyway, your name may be the very next one to be called!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Have you ever been in a place of wanting more of the presence of God? I mean a place where no song or dance could take you. I love worshiping the Lord through song and dance, but these are expressions of worship. Here I am in my room at almost midnight on Monday morning, yearning for the presence of God so much that I don't even know what to do or say. It's not that He's not here, it's just that I want more of Him.

What worked last month, won't work today, I need more. So what's my part Lord? What do I need to do to get that connection with you again? Sunday mornings is not enough, the mid-week service is not enough, the moments when I'm in desperate need of something is not enough. This used to be enough. But my heart wants more, of you. I know that you want more of me.

True worship, true relationship. Not just for form or fashion. Not just when others are around or when I need something from you. But a true love relationship with you! I need it Father, I can't make it without you!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Celebrate the Lord through the dance!

2 Timothy 2:15

"Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth"

This weekend I visited a church in Baltimore for a youth event they were having. Apparently, they newly started a dance ministry for the youth and young adults. The young ladies really did a beautiful piece about being renewed and redeemed by Jesus!

What stood out most about this is after they ministered, the pastor discerned that some did not approve of dance in the church or understand it. He took about 5 minutes to explain the biblical significance of dance. He talked particularly about how dance was very important in the bible and the feasts of tabernacle. This is Israel's Thanksgiving feast in which they acknowledge the fall harvest and God' provision. It is a happy celebration and a time of joy and rejoicing (including dance).

I really was glad that the pastor did that and even though everyone may not have received it, I'm sure that others had a better understanding of praise and worship dance and it only took Him 5 minutes! This also made me begin to think, as dance ministers it is our responsibility for us to:

  • Know why we praise and worship through dance

  • What the word of God (Bible) says about the dance

  • Educate the body of Christ on the biblical significance of dance (not a performance).

Amen,Amen, Amen! It is such a joy to dance for Jesus and when we study before we do it, it makes an even greater difference in our worship! Just like pastors, teachers, evangelists, psalmists study before they minister, we must to!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Let me share with you a word from God:

Finish Strong!

Everybody has something going on in their life and God is completing some things in the life of His children. It could be the end of a test, an assignment, a trial, whatever it is He wants us to FINISH STRONG.

You know how in the beginning of things it’s easy to work hard and to trust God, but as time passes we get tired, frustrated, sad and even irritated about the situation? Doubt may began to slip in and Faith becomes weary. We wonder what God is doing and how He allows somethings to happen or not happen. Whatever you are “finishing” in this season: it could be school, ministry, relationships, etc. God wants us to FINISH STRONG.

As we approach Ressurection Sunday, think about Jesus and his journey to calvary! I know He was tired, I know He wanted to give up, I know it was painful and He was weary and bewildered, but He finished and He finished strong, because He got up with all power in His hands and because He finished strong, He still to this day is the greatest person that ever walked for on this earth! Things will not always be this way. But God is shaping you and molding you right now and sometimes that hurts and it’s hard. But praise Him anyhow and when you feel like giving up, ask God to strengthen you. Ask Him to send you help, He will. He is faithful, He loves you and He sees you.

Don't give up- FINISH STRONG!

God Bless :-)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

God's will for our life- Seek the creator, read the manual!

One question that almost if not every believer has or will ask in their life is: "What is God's will for my life". Even those who do not know Christ have asked themselves this question. "What on earth am I here for?" It is clear that people want to have a sense of purpose for their life and even success and there is nothing wrong with that. My brother and sisters, let me share with you that your identity is in Christ. He is the one that created you and formed you, knit you together in your mothers womb.

Think of it like this: If you by a brand new t.v., how can you really know how it works? You may know the basics like how to plug it up and connect it to the dvd and remote, etc. However, I guarantee you that there are some special features that you will not know about unless you read the owners manual. Although you think you know all about that t.v. you do not, because you did not create it. Although it's your t.v., you still need that manual to tell you all about it. That's how it is with God, if we don't know Him (the creator) and seek Him (through prayer and His word) about the purpose of our lives, we will never know.

I encourage you to seek the Father and instead of asking what is His will for your life, ask Him what is His will period. The focus needs to be on God, not our life. Henry Blackaby, the author of experiencing God says: "Once you know God's will, then you can adjust your life to Him", not vice versa. " Once we know what God is doing, then we will know what we need to do!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth- Being a light

Happy Spring!!! One of my favorite seasons :-). It's a NEW season ya'll! New beginnings! Below is a short video on a discussion on living a lifestyle of worship, by being a light even in the workplace! I know you will enjoy it, as my guest had some really good wisdom to share!

Watch it here:

Monday, February 28, 2011

"Do this because you love me"- A lifestyle of Worship

Colossians 3:17 "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, [do] all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him".

When you ask God to teach you something He will and it more than likely will not be in the way you thought He would or wanted Him to. I asked God to teach me how to live a lifestyle of worship. Well, my brothers and sisters, He is doing just that!

So, after much himmin and hawin today and basically on and off for the past few years, God has really turned the mirror on me. My pastor has been doing a series on family and the importance of unity in the family. I'm sharing this because God has been showing me SO many areas that He is working on and I know He desires this for all His children. But here it is:

A lot of time, as saved folk we do such a great job of joining all the ministries and being on this board and that board at church; we say the most anointed prayer, lift up holy hands and so much more. We look real good on the outside and people at church, maybe even people at work, think that we are these awesome individuals. But when we get home all these spiritual acts seem to cease. Sometimes we join so many ministries and are doing everything for everyone else, that when it comes to the ones closest to us and dearest to us; our families, we get tired and a lot of times even grumpy, basically we give them our last. Some people aren't talking to family members that live in the house with them; maybe an occasional hello and then close the bedroom door without even asking them how they are.

This grieves God, did you know that the way we treat our families is an act of worship? Who are you worshiping when you go home, is it the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords? If so, it should show in the relationships closest to us. If we are doing one set of things at church and then get home and don't want to do anything for and with our families, that's a problem. God knows who we are when nobody else is around and His thoughts of us are what really matter.

If we a praying in church, we need to be praying at home.

If we are worshipping at church, we need to be worshiping at home.

If we are teaching at church, we should be teaching at home.

If we are serving at church, we should be serving at home.

Most importantly if we are exhibiting the love of God at church, we should be showing the love of God in our homes.

Worship is SO much more than singing, dancing, going to church once or twice a week and so on, praying or speaking in a microphone; it's also how we treat others and those who are closest to us. This is how we can and others can know if we are true worshipers or true wanderers.

Another thing when it comes to living a lifestyle of worship; we are always believing God for
something, but how are we doing with those possessions and relationships He has already given us. Let's do these things because we love God, that way our service and our relationships will last.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Do you Trust Him? - Barriers of living a lifestyle of Worship

David, was truly a man after God's own heart! Have you read Psalm 20 lately?

Psalm 20

1 May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble; May the name of the God of Jacob defend you; 2 May He send you help from the sanctuary, And strengthen you out of Zion; 3 May He remember all your offerings, And accept your burnt sacrifice. Selah 4 May He grant you according to your heart’s desire, And fulfill all your purpose. 5 We will rejoice in your salvation, And in the name of our God we will set up our banners! May the LORD fulfill all your petitions. 6 Now I know that the LORD saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven; With the saving strength of His right hand. 7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God. 8 They have bowed down and fallen; But we have risen and stand upright. 9 Save, LORD! May the King answer us when we call.

This Psalm was written right before David was about to go into yet another battle! I really admire David and I think He was a living testimony of God's grace, mercy, forgiveness and love. Verses 1-5 were the people supporting him and praying for prior to him going into battle. Verses 6-8 are David's response and what he recalls to know about the Lord. Although he had plenty of resources, weapons, horses and so on that he could have been focused on winning the battle with, but what does David say his greatest source is? "Some trust in Chariots and some in Horses, but WE trust in the name of the Lord our God".

David clearly trusted God, and I truly believe this is why he wasso successful as the King!

If you have an area of your life that you are having trouble trusting the Lord, meditate on this chapter. If David can trust Him in a physical battle and come through victorious, you can to!

Friday, February 18, 2011

It’s not always “that deep”- Barriers from living a lifestyle of worship

One of the best moments are when we have teachable moments and we are open to learn from what we are taught through simply living. Lately, I’ve had the mirror turned on myself about some areas where I am being stretched, it can hurt a little sometimes but it’s really for my good. It’s easy to try and think things through and make sense of what God is doing in our lives before we reach the fulfillment of a season. But who in the world can figure out the ways of our MIGHTY GOD (Isaiah 55:8-9)!

One of the most common questions or concerns in the life of a believer is if we are in God’s will. This is very important and we certainly want to remain in His will, HOWEVER we can’t try to “figure” everything He is doing or going to do out (hence proverbs 3:5,6). I know for a fact that one of the enemy’s tricks and distractions is to have us living in fear, doubt, worry and unbelief; none of these emotions are from the Lord. I was talking to a co-worker about some things that I have been experiencing lately and why they were concerning me. She simply smiled at me and said: “Lynnea it’s not that deep”. “God, do you want me to take this job offer”, “Lord, is this the church you want me to join”, “Father, should I stay in this ministry”, “Daddy, is this the person you want me to marry”, “Jesus, should I move out of this state”. All of these are very important questions and God certainly wants us to remain in His will and make the right decisions, even when we don’t, if we allow Him to He will re-direct us. God wants to help us, He understands all and nothing surprises Him! Let His peace follow you and trust Him as you move forward in life.

Whatever we experience and whatever decisions we have to make, we CANNOT allow this to silence us from praising and worshipping the Lord in the process of receiving His answer. Praise and Worship silences the devil and even our own opinions.

With all this being said, if we are always worried about the decisions we have to make in life, we will be focused on our situations and not on the Mighty God we serve and what His word so plainly promises us. I’m learning to trust God and every time a worrying feeling comes, I think of the scriptures He has given us to help us along the way. So, don’t wait to PRAISE HIM until every question is answered or problem is fixed. If this were the case, we would be waiting forever. Don’t idolize your situation, worship the Lord God almighty in the midst of whatever! We will always be believing God for something; even if it’s our next breath. Don’t let your concerns and questions hinder or cripple you from giving the Lord the praise He is due. You never know, Praise may be the very thing He is waiting for you to do before He gives you that answer to your question, that answer to your prayer or delivers you from that situation!!

Thank you Jesus!

SPECIAL UPDATE: The Praise and Worship Him blog has some exciting things coming up. Starting March 2011. There will be at least 2 posts a month, one being a video. There will be some mighty men and women of God featured on the blog and I am SO excited to see what they have to share with us! Stay tuned :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jesus- The way out!

Praise the Lord brothers and sisters in Christ and future siblings in the Kingdom!!!

I want to share with you all a fresh revelation the Lord gave me this week. This past month or so has been really difficult for me. I was not myself, I was feeling down, shameful, disappointed and even sorry for myself. Now we know these feelings are not from our Father God! Now, there is a season for mourning, the bible tells us that, even if its for a day, week or some months. God understands sometimes we need to vent and all. However, if all we do is feel sorry for ourselves and get upset, this is a distraction and it will hold us back from where God is trying to lead us. I refuse to be like the children of Israel, who were headed to the promised land and because of their murmuring, complaining and lack of faith; it took them 40 years to make a 11 day trip. NO THANKS, I cannot let this be me. I don't want this to be you either!

This week at work, I was sitting at my desk and began to think of my life over the past few years . I begin to murmur and complain and "woe is me" type of thoughts. So much that I began to cry at my desk, I mean tears streaming! I ran to the bathroom fell on my knees and began to cry out to God: "Lord, I refuse to live my life in frustration and unfullfillment". "I need your help Lord, please tell me what to dooooo!" As I was sobbing in the company bathroom, Holy Spirit dropped in my mind 1 Corinthians 10:13:

"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."

So, I began crying even more: "Lord, tell me, show me my way out. Even if it's just one word, I NEED YOU". Then in that still small voice with so much peace I heard: "Jesus"! That's it, Jesus is my way out and He is yours too! You know how sometimes we know something or someone so well that if we are not careful it looses its significance or impact to us?!

Why would we feel sorry for ourselves when Jesus loves us so much that He died just for you and just for me! He thought of you, when He was on that cross. Do you know what that means? Is there any greater love than this?

Self-Pity, insecurity, depression and so on are traps of the devil. When we really think about Jesus, dying on the cross for our sins, if it were not for Him we would either be wallowing in our sin or dead!! He came that we might have life and have it to the abundance! HALLELUJAH. Not only did He die for us, but He got out of the grave with all power in His hands and is now our intercessor, standing at the right hand of the Mighty Father! Who better to have as our prayer partner and intercessor than Jesus Christ? I'm getting so excited, that when I finish typing this. I'm gonna run around this house!!! I'm still not done, not only did He die for us and is our chief intercessor, because of Him we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ!!

I could go on and on, but know that Jesus is the way and the only way! Because of him we can be free and have liberty, but we have to receive it. We don't have to be in bondage of anything (i.e debt, sickness, generational curses, past hurts/mistakes, etc.).

This year one of my personal goals is to learn more about the cross and what it means for me. I encourage you to do the same. God has a plan for us all and He has given us gifts and talents to use for His glory. Don't let your gifts be buried because your focusing on the have nots and wants and when he's going to do this or that. I truly believe our blessings are in our purpose, so start moving forward. I know I am! And I don't want to do it by myself, that's not as fun ;-). I want you to join me. Let's use those gifts our Father has freely given us and give it back to Him by using them for HIS glory!!

As Bro. Dave Ramsey says, " This is the year to be weird and do accomplish or at least begin accomplishing those things we have been Talking about for years"!

Love y'all!

****SPECIAL UPDATE: The Praise and Worship Him blog has some exciting things coming up. Starting March 2011. There will be at least 2 posts a month, one being a video. There will be some mighty men and women of God featured on the blog and I am SO excited to see what they have to share with us! Stay tuned :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

True Worship or True Wanderer...

Worship- A feeling of profound love and admiration. (word net web). Turning our lives toward the One whom we believe to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life ( Living our lives individually and corporately as living sacrifices to the glory of a person or thing. (

Wander- to deviate in conduct, belief, to go astray: to move, pass, or turn idly. to stray from a path, to ramble without a definite purpose or objective.

True- real; genuine; authentic; honest; conforming to or consistent with a standard, pattern, or the like. (

Happy New Year Everyone!!! So after reading these three definitions, what is your first reaction/thoughts? Lately, I have really been thirsty for a greater understanding of what true worship is and to live a lifestyle of it. You know the worship that Jesus talks about in John 4:23 - 24. I have learned that there have been times when I thought I was worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth (SAT) and indeed, I was not!
The reason why I gave the definition for wandering is because the times that I was not worshipping God in SAT, was because I had strayed from the true purpose and act of worship. We do this often believe it or not. Let me give you a few examples of mistakes we make that cause us to be "true wanderers" instead of "true worshippers":
  • Not knowing what worship is and how to worship.
  • Not dealing with things in our heart that need to be removed (not repenting).
  • To stray from the true purpose and meaning of our existence.
  • Putting others or things before God.
  • Mastering what looks like worship to others (lifting of hands, dancing, shouting praises), without our hearts even being genuine.
  • Thinking that Worship is only limited to songs and emotions.

It is so easy for us to shift our focus from God and onto something else, that's why we must ask Him to help us to fully surrender. Holy Spirit will actually show us those areas that God wants to refine, it's up to us to respond! When we think about it, it truly is an honor for God to desire our worship. Let me repeat that: God in all His greatness and all that He has so freely given us, desires us to worship Him. So, instead of offering up a half-hearted praise or worshipping other things instead of God, lets worship HIM in Spirit and in Truth!

Let me ask you this question: Are you a true worshipper or a true wanderer?