Finish Strong!
Everybody has something going on in their life and God is completing some things in the life of His children. It could be the end of a test, an assignment, a trial, whatever it is He wants us to FINISH STRONG.
You know how in the beginning of things it’s easy to work hard and to trust God, but as time passes we get tired, frustrated, sad and even irritated about the situation? Doubt may began to slip in and Faith becomes weary. We wonder what God is doing and how He allows somethings to happen or not happen. Whatever you are “finishing” in this season: it could be school, ministry, relationships, etc. God wants us to FINISH STRONG.
As we approach Ressurection Sunday, think about Jesus and his journey to calvary! I know He was tired, I know He wanted to give up, I know it was painful and He was weary and bewildered, but He finished and He finished strong, because He got up with all power in His hands and because He finished strong, He still to this day is the greatest person that ever walked for on this earth! Things will not always be this way. But God is shaping you and molding you right now and sometimes that hurts and it’s hard. But praise Him anyhow and when you feel like giving up, ask God to strengthen you. Ask Him to send you help, He will. He is faithful, He loves you and He sees you.
Don't give up- FINISH STRONG!
God Bless :-)
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