Thursday, February 14, 2013

Single and it's Valentine's Day? Or any Holiday

I definitely know what it's like to be single and on the holiday's. I've been through feeling sorry for myself, wondering "why me" and feeling unloved and even sometimes embarrassed. Let me share this with you; You are not alone! I understand and God certainly understands what you are going through. There is a future and a hope for you. God is Super Faithful.

This year for Valentines' Day, God placed on my heart to encourage singles with some words of wisdom and encouragement for 11 days. I pray that you are blessed, encouraged and even challenged by these nuggets God has blessed me with during season of singleness.

Single and it' Valentines Day? (1 of 11) There is a portion (what you have in your life RIGHT NOW) that God has blessed you with. Are you grateful, Have you thanked Him for it? I hear a hearts cry from our Heavenly Father saying: "Son, Daughter, Are you grateful for TODAY, are you grateful that Salvation is offered to you, Are you grateful for life? Let's give God thanks for our portion right now; unconditionally.

Single and it's Valentine's Day? (2 of 11)
Sometimes we think we want something, but we don't see the full picture but God does! A lot of times, He is protecting us from what He knows is not best for us. Take heart in knowing that God has a plan for your life, including His best choice for you in a mate. Let's meditate on Matthew 6:33 and Jeremiah 29:11 today ♥

Single and it's Valentines Day? (3 of 11)
Finding a man of God or a Woman of God is not the problem, God can do that in a second. Being obedient and in alignment of His will for your life is where your attention is needed. ♥

Single and it's Valentines Day? (4 of 11)
I read a post yesterday that said "Marriage is ultimately (or should we say eternally) not about US, it's about our relationship with Jesus Christ." So, this should tell us in preparing for anything, to be well equipped our relationship with the Father should be our priority. For our relationship with Him is what determines how our relationship will be with everyone else! Have you talked and communed with Him today? Have you slipped away for a moment just to tell How much He means to you? #loveonHim

Single and it's Valentines Day? (5 of 11) Speaking of love, let's do a heart check! One sure hindrance of answered prayer and healing is forgiveness. My brother calls it a ticking time bomb! Let's be real, we have all been hurt and disappointed in some way. If we don't forgive, it creates a blockage and hindrance from us really receiving all God has for us no matter how "good" of a person we are. is good news though: God in all His faithfulness has blessed us with Holy Spirit who tells us nothing but the truth. Set some time aside today and ask Him to search your heart for anyone you have not forgiven. Be open because it may be an area or a person you did not expect (including yourself). Time does not heal things. Confession and repentance does. ♥
Single and it' Valentines Day? (6 of 11)
Man! God loves you so much! Yeah, the Creator of the Heavens and the earth loves you more than you know and is thinking of you constantly, all the time! He's Faithful. Someone this wonderful knows what's best for you and has not forgotten you so, Rest. Trust. Honor and Worship.
Single and it's Valentines Day? (7 of 11)
"Honor the Lord by making Him an offering from the best of all that your land produces." Proverbs 3:9 Let's give Him our best today! Let's honor and Worship Him with our bodies, only doing what's pleasing to Him! #purity
Single and it's Valentines Day? (8 of 11)
So, today I have been listening to love songs to Jesus and my heart just begin to overflow with adoration! Did you know that Jesus is a lover too? He's the Lover of our soul! Today let's purpose in our hearts to love on Jesus! Write Him a letter telling Him how you feel, cook dinner and talk with him, write a little post it note, slip away from the busyness and tell Him how you really
feel and how your grateful! He is so cool to be around. Enjoy this uninterrupted time with Him :) ♥

Single and it's Valentines Day? (9 of 11)
I know sometimes it's SO tempting to compare yourself to others (believe me I've been there and still have to shut it down when tempted to do so). Especially around holidays, weekends or whenever; you may ask the question: "I've been faithful, when is it my turn", "Lord, you blessed so and so and she doesn't even honor you", or "I just mine as well give up..., it doesn't seem like anyone is compatible with me". Let me share something with you; GOD IS FAITHFUL. That's right, He is more faithful than we are. He's not "out to get you" or to make you suffer. He loves you and desires to give you good things. Hold on to God when times get tough, pour your heart out to Him, Worship Him while in the hallway waiting for the open door! ♥
Single and it's Valentines Day? (10 of 11)
Do you REALLY believe that you are worth the wait? I know what statistics, people and the media says, but what about what God says: "for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body" 1 Corinthians 6:20. Please do not settle and give up your treasures just because it's a man made holiday that everybody is supposed to show love. You are loved everyday. The one who honors and cherishes you the most. He wants you to wait until His perfect timing, any other way wont even compare to His way. He honor's obedience ♥

Single and It's Valentines Day? (11 of 11)
Rejoice in the Lord Always again I say Rejoice! God writes the best love stories! Put your pen down, a matter of fact throw it away and let Him write the story this time :). Serve Him and Worship more Him while you wait and even when He blesses you; still serve Him and Worship more! Lord, let our service and Worship unto you be the common denominator in all seasons of life! ♥

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