There is a shirt that I had at one time, that I used to wear to lounge around in. It said: "Stop and smell the roses he gives you". I never thought much of it until I was out at lunch with a friend and she shared with me, what it meant to her when she saw it. She said, "Everyday God gives us beautiful roses, He loves us so much and does beautiful things for us daily because we are His children! The bible says He rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17) ! WOW, What a love!
I wonder how many times we took for granted those beautiful roses He gives us daily by just passing by them and not acknowledging them or thinking that we wanted a different type of rose from what He has given us or comparing our bouquet to others. I know were times that I didn't show how thankful I was for the beautiful roses He's given me DAILY. 1 Thessalonians tells us to give thanks in all things, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus!
A rose could be anything that friend that's always there or that spouse who is faithful yet we don't appreciate them like we used to. A rose an annoying child that always wants our attention, a job that we are tired of being at. A rose can be anything!!!
Just because the rose or flowers He gives us may not look exactly like what we THOUGHT it would or should, He knows what we need, when we need it and why we need it. Let's make it a point to smell the beautiful roses in our lives that He gives us!!!
this is confirmation for me, i was by a 'rose' today and instead of embracing the situation i ran! Lord help me.